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The PAB reserves the right to report, review, edit, move or delete any material submitted as a comment on its social media accounts that contain the following:
  • Promotions or endorsements for political campaigns or candidates; or Topics that are off-subject or out of context;
  • Threats, harassment, discrimination or defamation;
  • Offensive terms that target protected classes;
  • Personal Identifying Information or Sensitive Personal Information;
  • Obscenity or material that appeals to the prurient interest;
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  • Incites, encourages, or promotes violence or illegal activity;
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  • Sharing of confidential, proprietary or otherwise restricted information;
  • Advertisements or promotions for a commercial product or service, or individual;
  • Posting of malicious content such as malware, ransomware, etc.


The PAB reserves the right to report any comments that imply harm or imminent danger to yourself or others. By submitting or posting a comment, you accept that the PAB has the right to contact the appropriate authorities to report any suspicious activities, threats or behaviors.


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